

Below is a list of background and preparatory documents for the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and GFMD Civil Society Days, starting from 2011, and preparatory documents to the II High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development 2013. All documents are in English unless otherwise mentioned.


GFMD Civil Society Days organizing

Information brochure English | French | Spanish

2018 GFMD Civil Society Days

Government Days of GFMD 2018

Friends of the Forum

2017 GFMD Civil Society Days

Reports from Working Sessions

Reports from Special Sessions

Special Rapporteurs

2017 GFMD Common Space

Reports from Framing Sessions

Reports from Focus Sessions

2017 GFMD Government Days

Friends of the Forum



2016 GFMD Civil Society Days

(8-9 December 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh)

​Reports from Working Sessions

Reports from Special Sessions

Reports from Special Rapporteurs

Action Papers of Working Sessions for 2016 Civil Society Days

  • Theme 1: Doing Protection of Migrant Workers, Action Paper for Sessions 1.1 and 1.2 - English | French |Spanish
  • Theme 2: Doing protection of migrants on the move], Action Paper for Session 2.1 and 2.1 - English | French | Spanish
  • Theme 3: Doing inclusive development
    • Action Paper for Session 3.1: Creating welcoming societies and ensuring the social inclusion of diaspora and migrants - English | French | Spanish
    • Action Paper for Session 3.2: Migrant and diaspora action for job creation, social entrepreneurship and public policy - English | French | Spanish
  • Theme 4: Doing global governance better
    • Action Paper for Session 4.1: Multilateral cooperation and governance of migration and development: institutions and legal frameworks - English | French | Spanish
    • Action Paper for Session 4.2: Implementing and monitoring migration-related aspects of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the role of the GFMD - English | French | Spanish

Child Rights Bridging Papers (2nd edition)

2016 GFMD Common Space

(10 December 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh)


2016 GFMD Government Days

(11-12 December 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Theme: Migration that works for Sustainable Development of all: Towards a Transformative Migration Agenda

Chair's Summary delivered on 12 December by Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque

Government Concept Note

Government Days programme

Friends of the Forum
Side event co-hosted by the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families
Thematic Workshop – Migration for Harmonious Societies (18 May, 2016)

Speech by Ignacio Packer, Secretary-General, Terre des Hommes/ Chair of the GFMD Civil Society Days in 2015


2015 GFMD Civil Society Days

(12-13 October 2015, Istanbul, Turkey)

Theme: Achieving Migration and Development Goals: Movement Together on Global Solutions and Local Action

Recommendations – Benchmarks – Actions – English French Spanish

Evaluation Survey – English

Programme – English Spanish French

Civil Society Concept note – August 2015 English | French Spanish

Choices -Civil Society Chair’s Report – English French Spanish

List of participants

Reporting Templates

Action and Bridging papers

Consolidated civil society feedback to 1st Turkish Chair concept note (English)

2015 GFMD Government Days

(14-16 October 2015, Istanbul, Turkey)

Theme: Strengthening Partnerships: Human Mobility for Sustainable Development

Final Turkish Chair concept note – February 2015  English French Spanish

Round Table 1: Human mobility and the well-being of migrants

Roundtable 2: Migration as a factor in development

Roundtable 3: Enhancing international cooperation on emerging issues in migration and mobility

2014 GFMD Civil Society Days

(14- 16 May 2014, Stockholm, Sweden)

Theme: Shaping Migration & Development Goals: global movement, change on the ground

2013 II High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development

(15 July 2013, New York, USA)

2012 GFMD Civil Society Days

(19 and 20 November 2012, Port Louis, Mauritius)

Theme: Operationalizing Protection and Human Development in International Migration

Theme 1: Labour

Theme 2: Development

Theme 3: Protection

Side events program

GFMD Civil Society Concept Paper  English French Spanish
Concept paper for the Common Space 2012 English | French | Spanish
Civil Society Report to final Friends of the Forum – September 2012
Civil Society Report on UN HLD preparations
Civil Society Report to Friends of the Forum – April 2012
Civil Society Report to Friends of the Forum – February 2012

Input to the GFMD Civil Society Days 2012:

SADC-CNGO: Civil Society Statement on the GFMD
National Recommendations – CSD Mauritius GFMD 2012

2011 GFMD Civil Society Days

(29-30 November, Geneva, Switzerland) 

Theme: Taking action on Labour migration, Development and the Protection on Migrant workers and Families
