MADE Activities 2014 - 2016

MADE 2014 - 2016

  • MADE expands opportunities for civil society practitioners and migrant advocates around the world to come together, exchange information, advocate and share policy-building strategies. 
  • MADE activities seek changes in policies and practices to protect migrants and families and improve the conditions under which they live, move and work. 
  • Participation in MADE is open to all who share its vision.

Background of the MADE Network

Taking as its starting point the 2013 Civil Society's 5-year 8-point Plan of Action, MADE activities are organized at regional, thematic and global levels.

Each of MADE's regional networks and Working Groups is led by a leading civil society organization or network with a history of advocating for migrants, development and migrants' rights, connecting with other civil society organizations and networks, and collaborating with governments and intergovernmental organisations at national, regional and global levels.

In its first cycle, 2014 -2016, MADE…

  • Co-organized six regional civil society consultations (in the Philippines, Belgium, Senegal, Costa Rica, Lebanon and Kenya) towards the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) initiative, a governmental process aimed to strengthen the ability of States to assist migrants caught in conflicts or natural disasters
  • Acts as GFMD Civil Society Coordinating Office for all three GFMDs in this period, including 2017
  • Successfully advocated for migration and development to be included in Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets.
  • Gathered together and continues to co-facilitate the Civil Society Action Committee, a group of 22 non-governmental networks with great expertise in migration issues advocating towards the United Nations Summit on large movements of refugees and migrants, and its outcome the New York Declaration.
  • Published two editions of the "Movement" report, an independent assessment conducted by Maastricht University, evaluating progress made on the goals of the “5-year 8-point Plan of Action” that global civil society elaborated following the UN High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development in 2013. 700 copies per edition in English, French and Spanish
  • Held meetings in every region of the world, to strengthen regional and thematic networks, to improve information flows from the local to the global level and to provide support for the joint advocacy of civil society towards critical processes and issues.

Independent evaluations of MADE

  • With the first three years of the Migration and Development (MADE) Civil Society Network ending in early 2017, two independent consultants conducted formal assessment of the work of the MADE programme 2014 - 2016.
  • The first consultant was hired by the European Commission, completing her Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) Evaluation report in September 2016; the second consultant, retained as one of the commitments within the design of the MADE programme, completed her Independent evaluation in March 2017.
  • The objectives of both evaluations were to gather lessons learned and suggestions for the future of MADE from partners as well as from other stakeholders
  • Both evaluations concluded that MADE work has made an important contribution to regional and global migration and development processes and debates.
  • Core lessons learned as MADE moves into the next phase of its activities are to recognize that each region and partner has different capacities, as well as to further establish the identity of MADE and improve communication with external stakeholders and the general public.

Quotes from the evaluations:

  • …Stakeholders interviewed for this evaluation argued that there was a continuing need for the kind of civil society coordinating and information-sharing role… which has comprised a substantial component of the work of MADE...
  •  …At the global level, MADE and its partners demonstrated a capacity to respond to emerging priorities and processes (for example, MICIC and the 2016 UN High Level Summit Addressing Large Movements of Migrants)…
  • …Government stakeholders highlighted ICMC and MADE’s capacity to engage with global processes, and facilitate information-sharing and dialogue between civil society actors and government actors, in a professional and smart way…

MADE's regional networks 

Fostering civil society networking through meetings, joint actions and information-sharing in:

MADE's Working Groups

Shaping global agendas on:

MADE Global actions

ICMC’s MADE Global Coordinating Office works closely with partners to organize activities of civil society organizations worldwide in processes that involve governments, decision-makers and international agencies. Such activities include the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and its GFMD Civil Society Days, the Migrants in Countries in Crisis Initiative (MICIC), a Pilot Fund focused on national advocacy activities and the implementation of Agenda 2030 and it’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Global action
