Civil Society Days 2017

Civil Society Days GFMD 2017

UPDATE: All plenary videos are now online on our YouTube Channel!

"Safe, Orderly, Regular Migration Now: Mechanics of a Compact Worth Agreeing to" was the theme of the GFMD Civil Society Days 2017. As implied in this motto, the CSD programme, focused entirely on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. The Working Sessions, directly tied to the Global Compact on Migration process and inspired, as in previous GFMDs, by civil society’s 5-year 8-point plan, were these (links to the respective reports):

Additionally, there have been 2 sets of Special Sessions on the following themes (links to reports):

A Rapporteur on Women (speech, report) and a Rapporteur on Children (speech, report) tracked progress on their respective topics.

Programme Highlights and Special Features

  • Breaking Down Walls: Prelude at the Brandenburg Gate: pre-CSD event attended by close to 100 members of civil society, and featured testimonies, short poems and songs.
  • Opening Plenary: Updates, testimonies and strategizing on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, by migrants and families of disappeared migrants, members of the diaspora, IOM, UN Special Representative on International Migration, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants and Open Society Foundation
  • Direct interaction with governments during 10 small, 90 min issue- and region-specific ‘Tea Tables’
  • 8 side events and film screenings, as well as 8 pre-CSD tables for preparatory discussions


The structure and first details on the 2017 Civil Society Days and Government Days have been discussed during two webinars hosted by the GFMD Civil Society coordinating Office in early 2017. These were co-organized with the active participation of HE Götz Schmidt-Bremme, German Ambassador for the 2017-2018 GFMD Co-Chairmanship. On 26 January, the Ambassador and John Bingham presented a first outline of structure and content of the GFMD Government Days and Civil Society Days, respectively. The 2nd webinar on 9 February, which was also joined by Stéphanie Winet, representing the GFMD Business mechanism, considered opportunities for interaction between governments, civil society and the private sector. Over 80 civil society participants participated in the webinars, with many contributing to the discussions. The moderator for both webinars was Colin Rajah, Chair of the GFMD Civil Society Days 2016. 

Importants documents

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