Updates on GFMD Civil Society Days 2018 and advocacy towards the Global Compact for Migration. Find out more about civil society organising and latest news.
GFMD Civil Society Days 2017: Snapshot and focus/ Key recommendations/ Participant evaluation. What next? Linking advocacy towards the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, and GFMD 2018 in Morocco: Timeline/ MADE and wider civil society advocacy towards the Summit. Resources / In the News. Read the Newsletter in English, Spanish and French
MADE: the first three years, 2014-2016 / MADE in a nutshell / MADE milestones / Independent consultants evaluate first three years of MADE / Taking Stock of Valletta /MADE Africa regional meeting in Dakar, Senegal / MADE Partner meeting and workshop / New Movement Report (2nd Edition) / Regional spotlight: Launch of the MADE West Africa programme/ Action Committee follow-up to the UN Summit on Refugees and Migrants / 17 April extended deadline for non-ECOSOC CSOs to apply for events on Migration Compact /Report of UN Special Rep. Sutherland /
18 August 2016
After weeks of intense negotiations, UN Member States achieved consensus on the Outcome document that will be presented for signing by states at the UN General Assembly Summit on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants on 19 September. Read more on the content of the Outcome document, civil society's reactions and a general update on Civil society participation in the High-level Summit!
4 August 2016
Important events of MADE Americas in the first half of 2016: Implementation of the Chilean Consultative Council on Migrations // National Multi-Stakeholder Meeting, Dominican Republic // Consultations of the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Initiative, Costa Rica // Regional Report Avoiding the “trap”: Linking the Global with the National, and the Non-Binding with the Binding by INMD // MADE Pilot Fund, San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Read the Newsletter in English and Spanish
01 August 2016
Global Diaspora Day // European Development Days // MADE Webinars // A “New Deal” for refugees, migrants and societies // GFMD and People’s Global Action // MADE Pilot Fund ...
Read Newsletter in English, French or Spanish
8 June 2016 Reminder to complete High-Level Meeting civil society survey // High-Level Meeting state Co-facilitators issue “non-paper” on possible elements for the outcome document // 1st meeting of High-level Meeting civil society Action Committee held // UN selects civil society organizations for Steering Committee // Reminder to apply to participate and speak at the 18 July informal interactive hearing and/or the 19 September Meeting - Deadline 11 June // Key dates and deadlines
31 May 2016 Prompted by the record numbers of refugees and migrants moving across borders, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly will, for the first time ever, host a High-level Meeting on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants (HLM). The meeting aims to bring together heads of states and also civil society actors and other stakeholders on 19 September 2016 in New York. A lot will be happening in the coming weeks and months in preparation for this high-level meeting. Civil society needs to be involved, informed and heard throughout the process. Therefore we are committed to sending you regular updates on developments and civil society actions.