Labour migration and recruitment

 Labour migration and recruitment

"Building upon years of collective organizing around rights of migrant workers, the Working Group on Labour Migration and Recruitment is committed to knowledge sharing on recruitment trends and realities and to collective advocacy aimed at reforming migrant labour recruitment systems worldwide.”

William Gois, Migrant Forum in Asia


The Open Working Group on Labour Migration and Recruitment is coordinated by Migrant Forum in Asia. The members of the Working Group have initiated a multi-year campaign to reform the migrant labour recruitment industry and set up a global online platform that aggregates information on campaigns, policies and initiatives, events, news, policies and international conventions on labour migration and recruitment.

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The Working Group Labour Migration and Recruitment has a total of 109 subscribers to the list serve. From these, 91 are civil society organizations and 6 from the private sector. All civil society organizations working in the field of labour migration and recruitment or with an interest in the topic are welcome to join the Working Group´s mailing list and engage in activities and advocacy.

Get in touch with the Working Group on Labour Migration and Reruitment


Priorities 2016

  • Organizing events and regional consultations among Asian countries to further identify challenges in migrant labour recruitment policies and practices
  • Continue work on expanding the glossary on recruitment reform
  • Continue engaging Private Recruitment Agencies and Developing a White List of Recruitment Agencies
  • Continue publishing policy briefs on Labour Migration and Recruitment
  • Finalise and publish the thematic report for the working group on Labour Migration and Recruitment
  • Widening the scope and reach of the Working Group to include members from Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas

Activities 2014-2015

Join the Working Group on Labour Migration and Recruitment's  mailing list and stay updated on the latest news 


Related News


Just published: Report on trafficking of migrant workers in Togo

The Togo-based civil society organisation, ‘Visions Solidaires’ has recently published their report: "Situational Analysis - Smuggling of Togolese migrant workers and people trafficking in the Middle East and Central Africa". By providing an important contribution to present evidence of the exploitation and vulnerability of African migrant workers moving in a South-South and trans-regional context, it also connects its detailed findings to the substantive work undertaken by the Migration and Development (MADE) Civil Society Network, and more specifically to its Open Working Group on Labour Migration and Recruitment. MADE, guided by the 5 year 8 point Plan of Action, has advocated for ethical recruitment standards and safe labour migration on a global and inter-regional level to protect and empower migrant workers at every stage of the labour cycle.

New Movement Report and Scorecards

In 2016, the MADE civil society network published the first edition of the Movement Report, providing an assessment of progress on civil society’s 5-year 8-point Plan of Action in its first two years, i.e. from the 2013 UN High Level Dialogue through September 2015. Building on the input of civil society actors, MADE has now published a second edition of the Movement Report, providing a commentary on further progress through the Plan’s third year, from October 2015 through December 2016.

MADE Asia - Summary of Activities 2016

MADE Asia coordinator MFA (Migrant Forum in Asia) always stands for the guiding principle: Migrants’ rights are human rights. MFA are constantly reminding international governments and employers that the rights of all migrant workers are guaranteed by the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Protection of Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families and other international conventions. 2016, there was still a lot to do along these lines and MFA has achieved some great successes.  



Related Events


ILO Tripartite Experts Meeting (Geneva)

Meeting on Developing Guiding Principles for Policies/Programs on Refugees and Forcibly Displaced Persons’ Access to Labour Markets, whether in Frontline States or through Labour Mobility Channels

Colombo process meetings

The Colombo Process is a Regional Consultative Process on the management of overseas employment and contractual labour for countries of origins in Asia. The Fifth Ministerial Consultation will take place on 25 August 2016 and the Fourth Senior Officials' Meeting on 24 August 2016.

