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"Friends of Migration" meeting organized by GFMD 2016 Chair

On 21 October 2016, an event focusing on the process to develop a Global Compact on Migration was organized by the government of Bangladesh. Bangladesh and other governments expressed their determination to form and meet as a Geneva branch of the government “Friends of Migration” group that had been launched by Bangladesh, Benin, Mexico and Sweden in New York ahead of the 19 September UNGA High-level Summit for Refugees and Migrants. Speakers were Bangladesh, Mexico, Sweden, Francois Fouinat, representing the UN Special representative for International Migration Peter Sutherland, and representatives of the International Labour Organization, IOM, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the office of the High Commissioner for Refugees.

Tags: Global governance of migration and development, GFMD

Linking two global processes: GFMD Civil Society Days and the process to develop a Global Compact on Migration

With this GFMD taking place just three months after the UNGA Summit, discussion in the Civil Society Days and Common Space will connect directly to the Summit’s New York Declaration, very much including the process to develop a Global Compact on Migration. 

Tags: Global governance of migration and development, GFMD, Global, UN High-Level Summit

GFMD Common Space 10 December

The Common Space of the GFMD that convenes all of the civil society delegates with all of the state participants for direct interaction is this year scheduled for Saturday, 10 December—International Human Rights Day.  Common Space begins after lunch, immediately following the Opening Ceremony, in which a number of dignitaries will speak, including the civil society Chair of the CSD presenting civil society’s principal recommendations from the prior two days, and the Prime Minister of Bangladesh delivering a keynote speech.

Tags: Global governance of migration and development, GFMD

Movement report II

In 2016, MADE published an independent assessment of progress on civil society’s “5-year 8-point Action Plan” through the end of 2015—year 2 of the plan. Prepared by researcher from Maastricht University School of Governance Elaine McGregor, the Movement Report noted achievement on some of the 8 points, notably the successful incorporation of migration in the new 2030 Agenda sustainable development goals

Tags: Global Coordinating Office

UN experts call for vision and leadership in the process to develop a Global Compact on Migration

In a news release dated 24 October 2016, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau, and the Chair of the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, Jose S. Brillantes, called on UN member states to develop long-term strategies and policies to facilitate rather than restrict migration.

Tags: Global governance of migration and development, UN High-Level Summit

IOM briefing on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

A briefing organized by the International Organization on Migration (IOM) took place on 14 October in Geneva, entitled "Follow-up to the 19 September New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, including Preliminary Thinking on IOM’s role in the Development of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the International Conference in 2018"

Tags: Global governance of migration and development, UN High-Level Summit

3rd Global Mayoral Forum on Human Mobility, Migration and Development

The 3rd Global Mayoral Forum on Human Mobility, Migration and Development took place in Quezon City, Philippines from 28 to 30 September 2016.

Tags: Diaspora and Migrants in Development, Global

Hope and half-heartedness at the UN Summit: nearly 100 civil society organizations publish scorecard and urge world leaders to act now

As 193 governments unanimously adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants at the UN General Assembly on 19 September, civil society organizations called for action now, immediately in the days and months following the Summit.The Summit launched explicit commitments to create two global compacts over the next two years: one on refugees and one for safe, orderly and regular migration. But millions of refugees and migrants and the countries to, through and from which they move cannot wait that long for change to be implemented on the ground.

Tags: Global governance of migration and development, UN High-Level Summit

Civil society globally calls upon world leaders to urgently adopt solutions for refugees and migrants beyond the UN Summit

A civil society joint statement and ‘scorecard’ has been released lamenting governments’ uneven commitments and lack of urgency to deliver a real new deal for refugees and migrants at the UN Summit.

Tags: Global, UN High-Level Summit

Vacancy notice: MADE Programme Manager

To ensure timely completion of the MADE programme according to donor requirements, ICMC recruits a Programme Manager to replace the current project manager during her maternity leave. We are looking for an articulate and passionate advocate for migrant rights and human development with proven experience in managing EU funded development programmes.

Tags: Global Coordinating Office
