Movement report II


In 2016, MADE published an independent assessment of progress on civil society’s “5-year 8-point Action Plan” through the end of 2015—year 2 of the plan. Prepared by researcher from Maastricht University School of Governance Elaine McGregor, the Movement Report noted achievement on some of the 8 points, notably the successful incorporation of migration in the new 2030 Agenda sustainable development goals, and increasing empowerment of migrants and diaspora in development, plus significant investment in policy-building for protection of migrants in crisis and reform of migrant worker recruitment practices.  However, the report assessed other points where there has not been much progress, in particular with respect to global governance of migration, national implementation of international norms and standards, and protection of migrant workers, women and children where vulnerable in the context of migration. As 2016—year 3—of the Action Plan comes to a close, a second edition of the Movement report is being developed, which will introduce 10 scorecards to measure progress on each of the eight goals in Action Plan. Xenophobia/discrimination will be added to the scorecards, which will also disaggregate women and children. ICMC has again contracted Elaine McGregor to elaborate this new edition, and also to create a tool for years 4 and 5 ahead.
