Diaspora, migrants and development News

Diaspora, migrants and development News

New Movement Report and Scorecards

In 2016, the MADE civil society network published the first edition of the Movement Report, providing an assessment of progress on civil society’s 5-year 8-point Plan of Action in its first two years, i.e. from the 2013 UN High Level Dialogue through September 2015. Building on the input of civil society actors, MADE has now published a second edition of the Movement Report, providing a commentary on further progress through the Plan’s third year, from October 2015 through December 2016.

Observation Mission to Agadez, Niger

From 20 to 30 October 2016, MADE Africa coordinator Caritas Senegal organized a joint observation mission to one of the migrant centers run by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Agadez, Niger. Working in partnership with other organizations, the mission’s aim was to monitor the implementation of one of the post-Valetta projects funded by the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) and more specifically to observe to what extent the rights of migrants and their freedom of movement are respected in accordance with the Protocols of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

New perspectives for MADE Africa

On February 27 and 28 MADE Africa organized a conference in Dakar, Senegal dedicated to "Evaluation, capitalization and formulation of perspectives". 
