National Multi-Stakeholders Meeting in Costa Rica
12 August 2015
The National Multi-Stakeholders meeting was held on August 8, 2015 in Costa Rica and organised by the Fundación Scalabrini and CIDEHUM in San José, Costa Rica.
National Multi-Stakeholders Meeting in Costa Rica
12 August 2015
The National Multi-Stakeholders meeting was held on August 8, 2015 in Costa Rica and organised by the Fundación Scalabrini and CIDEHUM in San José, Costa Rica.
The MDGs ignored migrants and refugees. How will the SDGs fare?
12 August 2015
This post by Bob van Dillen, Coordinator of the MADE Working Group on Global Governance of Migration and Development, was originally published on the blog, coordinated by the Overseas Development Institute.
11 August 2015
MADE Afrique regrette la dernière tragédie en publiant une nouvelle déclaration appelant les dirigeants africains, la société civile et toutes les parties prenantes à organiser dans toute la région dans une Conférence conjointe.
Migrant People’s Dignity: Achievements, Difficulties and Ethical Challenges to Build the Future
10 August 2015
On July 8th 2015 in San José, Costa Rica, the Scalabrini International Migration Network and Fundación Scalabrini, supported by MADE, together with the International Center of Migrant's Human Rights (CIDEHUM) held the National Multi-Stakeholder Meeting: 'La Dignidad de los/las Migrantes: Logros, Dificultades Y Desafíos Éticos para Construir el Futuro'.
MADE’s new website is now live!
9 July 2015
The new website for the Migration and Development Civil Society Network (MADE) is here!
Over 800 applications for 2015 GFMD Civil Society Days
8 July 2015
Record number of more than 800 applications was received from more than 150 countries across the world, representing more geographic diversity than ever before in the history of GFMD civil society organising.
2015 Civil Society Survey on Migration, Migrants Rights and Development
7 July 2015
We invite you to share your voice on priorities, challenges and the situation on the ground for migrants, communities and civil society organisations worldwide
A civil society call for social change in the Americas
3 July 2015
MADE Americas has published the first in a series of reports providing a regional outlook on migration issues.
Regional Civil Society Consultation for Europe and Central Asia on the MICIC initiative
24 June 2015
The MADE Europe Chapter and the Global Coalition on Migration are coordinating the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Initiative Regional Civil Society Consultation for Europe and Central Asia in Brussels.
Migrants matter for Development Panel Session
3 June 2015
ICMC Europe/ MADE Europe Chapter are joining forces with other main civil society organisations to host a panel during the European Development Days. The EDDs will be held in Brussels on 3-4 June 2015.