MADE Asia News

Asia News

MADE Asia - Summary of Activities 2016

MADE Asia coordinator MFA (Migrant Forum in Asia) always stands for the guiding principle: Migrants’ rights are human rights. MFA are constantly reminding international governments and employers that the rights of all migrant workers are guaranteed by the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Protection of Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families and other international conventions. 2016, there was still a lot to do along these lines and MFA has achieved some great successes.  

Tdh Consultation on Youth on the Move in Dhaka ahead of GFMD

Terre Des Hommes, the Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit and the Bangladesh Civil Society Coordination Committee jointly organized a national consultation on youth in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 25th of July. Despite the security concern, a large participation from a diverse section of the society has made the event an engaging and thought-provoking platform for the diverse attendees and policy makers who joined the consultation.

Zero Fees Campaign - Almost 200 signatures

The MADE Working Group on Labour Migration & Recruitment, coordinated by Migrant Forum in Asia recently launched a petition to the Nepalese government to stand firm on an important law passed in 2015 obliging foreign employers to bear the visa and flight ticket costs for Nepali migrant workers that they hire. A related activity, just-launched, is an online discussion on temporary labour migration programs, in which they are interested to hear from migrant workers, those working with migrant workers, or anyone with an interest in this topic.
