Sessiz Destek: 5th project workshop on "Cooperation on Migration and Development"

This workshop takes place in the framework of the project ‘Support of a Development-sensitive and Coherent Turkish Migration Policy Framework’ project (Sessiz Destek) which is a Swiss-funded initiative designed to support the Directorate General for Migration Management in strategy development and capacity development. With a new migration policy in Turkey, including the establishment of a normative framework and a new institutional structure, the government now has the opportunity of integrating development into migration and take a balanced approach to migration governance. 
The project aims to, inter alia, support the development of coherent migration strategies. Coordination and cooperation between stakeholders involved in migration issues forms the basis for a coherent approach. In order to promote sustainable migration management, the project will support efforts to ensure policy coherence across all migration-related sectors and actions of Turkey in terms of their contributions to development, both within and between institutions in the government.

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