MADE Europe Chapter Events

Made Europe Events

Africa and European Civil Society Consultation Post-Valletta

On the occasion of the one year follow-up of the implementation of the Valletta Action Plan and EU Trust Fund for Africa, ICMC Europe and MADE Africa are organizing a one-day civil society consultation in Brussels on 30th of January 2017.

Satellite meeting GFMD 2016: Children On the Move - Civil society in the GFMD process - From local to global

A satellite meeting of the GFMD Civil Society Days, organized by Terre des Hommes, took place the 30th of September and 1st of October in Cyprus.

Brainstorming session: Awareness raising on migrants' positive contributions

The brainstorming session at the European Development Days in Brussels, 16 June, 11:00, organised by ICMC Europe, AFFORD, Terre des Hommes and MADE, will show that more investment in social cohesion and full integration of migrants can have higher societal and economic benefits for development.
