As of July 2015, the Working Group on Diaspora and Migrants in Development is coordinated by the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD UK), which is based in London, United Kingdom.
The Working Group on Diaspora and Migrants in development works on ensuring the engagement of diaspora and migrants as entrepreneurs, social investors, and policy advocates and partners in human development in particular in countries of origin and heritage.
The group builds on previous advocacy and agreements reached by civil society during past editions of the Global Forum for Migration and Development and reflected on civil society’s 5-Year 8-Point Action Plan. Find more information in their Core Members' list and Terms of Reference.
All civil society organizations working in the field of migration and diaspora or interested in the topic are welcome to join and participate in upcoming events or other activities.
Get in touch with the Working Group on Diaspora and Migrants in Development
15 September 2015
The webinar will look at challenges and solutions from both the perspective of diaspora and migrants enterprises on one hand, and policy makers on the other, in supporting diaspora entrepreneurship.
Webinar - Diaspora Engagement in the MENA Region
26 August 2015
The webinar will be held on 26 August 2015 at 12pm EST. It is organised by the International Diaspora Engagement Alliance (IdEA) draws on previous research on Syrian and Tunisian diaspora groups in Germany and explores how the events of the “Arab Spring” in Tunisia and the ongoing conflict in Syria, influence the diaspora consciousness and shape diasporic engagement. In addition, the presentation will highlight different factors that enable or constrain engagement of diaspora groups in politically fragile and conflict settings.