Taking Civil Society's 5 -Year 8-Point Plan of Action as the compass, MADE builds or supports joint campaigns from MADE coordinators or other civil society networks, organisations and individuals that work to improve policies for the well-being of all migrants, families and communities.
The global MADE community is kept up to date through MADE newsletters and ad-hoc action mailings.
Aside from campaigns, MADE features and disseminates calls for proposals, online polls and research as well as other opportunities to get involved.
Take a look at current campaigns and actions, or share your own below.
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A Civil Society's response to the UN Secretary-General's report on the World Humanitarian Summit
11 April 2016 to 18 April 2016
The highly important World Humanitarian Summit is taking place in Istanbul 23 and 24 May. Heads and senior leaders of states, international agencies and civil society organisations from around the world will be gathering to formalise commitments that they have worked on in a two-year process launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (the SG). Recently, the SG issued his report for the Summit. Among other things, his report strongly emphasises “core responsibility” for improving humanitarian action regarding migrants, refugees and displaced persons, with particular attention to women and children.
ivil society colleagues in the NGO Committee on Migration in New York have prepared a 3-page statement with analysis and recommendations specifically on those parts of the Secretary-General’s report.
Action ahead of post-2015 UN Summit in September 2015
28 August 2015 to 24 September 2015
The Working Group on Global Governance of Migration and Development has prepared a template advocacy letter in English, French and Spanish to be used by civil society organisations to write to their government about the upcoming SDG Summit, on 25-27 September in New York.
1 June 2015
This campaign is coordinated by the Labour Migration and Recruitment group, in conjuntion with other networks.
Participatory glossary on recruitment
9 April 2015
Definitions and terminology help civil society advocates point governments to the right solutions in policies. Take part in this campaign!
Step it up. Dignity. Rights. Development
18 December 2014 to 18 December 2015
A year-long Step it up! campaign was launched in December 2014 to generate new ratifications of the UN International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and the Members of their Families (the UN Migrant Workers Convention) in the lead-up to the 25th anniversary in December 2015 of its adoption in 1990.
Civil Society's Stockholm Agenda
5 June 2014 to 28 February 2015
Over 300 organisations world wide have signed up to the Civil Society Stockholm Agenda.
12 May 2014
The campaign 'Words Matter' is run by the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), promoting the use of accurate terminology to define migrants who do not have official documents or find themselves under an irregular administrative situation