MADE is an evolving global civil society movement working and networking to promote policies for the well-being and protection of all migrants and communities.
MADE believes in a world where migration is voluntary and safe, with special protection for those who are forced to migrate because of war, persecution, disaster or economic despair; a world where refugees, migrants and diaspora can preserve their family unity, join new communities, build new lives and access their human rights without discrimination; a world where their role, access and contribution to development is fully respected.
Read more about the vision for MADE
Launched in 2014, MADE is made up of and mobilised by a diverse group of migrants, diaspora and other civil society actors who organize and advocate for and with migrants at grass roots, national, regional and international levels. Together in MADE, civil society builds and strengthens the work of this people-centered, rights-based movement on migration and development. Participation in MADE is open to all who share its vision.
Discover how to join MADE
MADE expands opportunities for civil society practitioners and migrant advocates around the world to come together, exchange information, mobilise advocacy and policy-building strategies. MADE activities and actions are organised at global, regional and thematic levels.
MADE Working Groups are shaping agendas on diaspora and migrants in development, global governance of migration and development, and labour migration and recruitment.
Regional networking, meetings and advocacy takes place in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. Global action, information-sharing and networking are done through global newsletters, social media, campaigns on migrant rights and human development and the organisation of and around the Civil Society Days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development.
Learn more about MADE activities
Taking as its starting point civil society organising and agenda-setting in the first years of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, MADE specifically takes forward the 5-year 8-point Plan of Action that global civil society adopted in 2013 as its Agenda for Change and collaboration, including with governments.
Learn more about civil society’s Agenda for Change.