Satellite meeting GFMD 2016: Children On the Move - Civil society in the GFMD process - From local to global

A satellite meeting of the GFMD Civil Society Days, organized by Terre des Hommes took place the 30th of September and 1st of October in Cyprus.

Purpose / scope:

  • Strategize ahead of the Global Forum on Migration and Development 2016 and related processes, with a specific focus on Children on the Move. This meeting would specifically look at moving forward the recommendations of the GFMD and the 19th September Summit outcomes at the local, national, regional and global level, and this within a longer, multi-annual timeframe up to the High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development in 2019.
  • To identify necessary concrete steps specific to Children On the Move to ensure this alignment between these processes, from the local to the global level.

Find more information and outcomes on the Destination Unknown website.
