The International Network on Migration and Development will lead this three-day event in Mexico City. The overall objective is to identify issues and how they can be structured into advocacy strategies to advance the protection of the rights of migrants in national, regional and global processes.
The webinar will be held on 26 August 2015 at 12pm EST. It is organised by the International Diaspora Engagement Alliance (IdEA) draws on previous research on Syrian and Tunisian diaspora groups in Germany and explores how the events of the “Arab Spring” in Tunisia and the ongoing conflict in Syria, influence the diaspora consciousness and shape diasporic engagement. In addition, the presentation will highlight different factors that enable or constrain engagement of diaspora groups in politically fragile and conflict settings.
On 13-14 August 2015, members of the Open Working Group will meet for two days, following a larger meeting on labour recruitment issues organised by hosted by Solidarity Centre.
The Turkish GFMD Chair is organising a GFMD ad hoc thematic meeting on "The Mediterranean Crisis in a Global Context: A New Look at Migration & Development Approaches”
15 July 2015
This meeting will take a close look at the Mediterranean crisis from a global perspective, bringing in the views of origin, transit, and destination countries on how to manage and, ultimately, resolve, the crisis.
The Conference will gather high-level political representatives, institutional stakeholders, non-governmental organisations and business sector entities in Addis Ababa between 13 and 16 July 2015.
MADE Africa and Working Group on Global Governance of Migration and Development will hold a one-day conference for civil society delegates in Ethiopia.
MADE Africa convenes the first meeting of the sub-regional focal points for East Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.