12 November 2015 to 13 November 2015
The annual Mayoral Forum on Mobility, Migration and Development is a City-led global initiative to gather city leaders from around the world to strategize new and innovative approaches to urban governance in contexts of greater diversity.
In April 2015 the European Council called for an international summit to discuss migration issues with African and other key countries.
A civil society event for the press on the Valletta Summit will be held on 11 November, 9:30am to 12pm.
This one-day event in Brussels will be the occasion for civil society to call on African and European leaders to focus first on human rights, decency, dignity, wellbeing and welcoming of people in need. Register now!
The Conference on Migrants and Cities (CMC) will be held in Geneva. It is IOM’s second global high-level conference organized in the framework of the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) –its principal forum for migration policy dialogue over the past decade.
The Turkish Chair has chosen as its main theme, “Strengthening Partnerships: Human Mobility for Sustainable Development” in a bid to highlight that international migration cannot be managed effectively by any one country alone.
The week will open with the GFMD Civil Society Days (CSD) on 12 and 13 October 2015. A shared session with governments 'Common Space', will be held on 14 October, and the GFMD Government Days will take place on 15-16 October.