Vacancy: Programme Manager West Africa


From early 2017 ICMC Europe, together with three partners AFFORD (Great Britain), FORIM (France) and Center for Migration Studies (Ghana), will start a 3 year EU funded programme ‘Migration and Development Partnerships for rights-based migration and mobility governance in, from and to West Africa’ to be implemented in coordination with the global MADE programme.

The overall objective of the action is to promote good governance of migration and mobility and protection of migrants’ rights in major migrant sending and receiving countries in the so called Rabat process region and along major migration corridors (within West Africa, between West Africa, North Africa and Europe) with a view to enhancing the development benefits of migration and mobility.

The project will strengthen capacities to engage in multilateral and national multi-stakeholder dialogues and improve the capacity of civil society and national/local State authorities to materialize and enhance intra- and inter-regional mobility; promote civil society’s participation in labor migration governance to protect migrant workers and to improve how social partners, consular officials and labor attachés’ understand those rights; maximize the development impact of remittances by increasing States’ outreach and knowledge of their diaspora and by creating the necessary conditions for the replication of innovative cooperation frameworks between diaspora, development NGOs, national/local authorities and the private sector.
For the oversight and coordination of this programme ICMC, as the lead applicant, is looking for a dedicated and experienced programme manager, based in our office in Brussels.

More details and how to apply
