In a press conference held in Dakar on 28 April 2015, Ms. Odile Faye, Coordinator of Made Africa Steering Committee, presented in front of several journalists an in-depth analysis of African migration in relation to the recent Mediterranean shipwrecks, calling for a response of African institutions to their "guilty silence" and the solidarity of the international community.
MADE Africa’s analysis joins the voices and multiple analysis by experts and journalists from developed countries and seek an African solution to an issue that is both regional and international, where victims now number in the thousands.
"We can not stop the sea by its arms"
Citing the former Senegalese President Abdou Diouf, MADE Africa reminds us that faced with the greater clampdown among developed countries to migrants from underdeveloped countries, the conscience of the world is also called upon.
The conclusions of the European Council's emergency summit are well below MADE Africa’s expectations because of its primary focus on repressive measures and not on development activities that protect the rights of migrants.
Omertá of African leaders
The meeting between the European Union and the African Union held in Brussels on 23 April has not lifted the veil on Africa’ guilty silence. The conclusions of the Brussels meeting show a real imbalance in power relations between a Europe that seeks to protect migrants through a strengthened security apparatus and an African continent taking refuge behind a guilty silence for provoking the massive departure of these son and daughters.
MADE Africa believe African leaders are directly responsible for the current situation.
Concrete solutions in the face of tragedy
• calls for an African-African meeting on migration and development in connection with the upcoming summit in Addis Ababa on Financing for Development to be held in July and the agenda post 2015 as a space for advocacy MADE Africa related MADE International to challenge all decision makers in the world on the need for the integration of the migration issue at the heart of the political and development agenda
• Calls on all African countries affected by these shipwrecks to enact national days of mourning and open national consultations on migration.
You can download the document here.
For more information
Visit the MADE Africa page on this site for more information and to contact the regional coordinators.