11 August 2015
MADE Afrique regrette la dernière tragédie en publiant une nouvelle déclaration appelant les dirigeants africains, la société civile et toutes les parties prenantes à organiser dans toute la région dans une Conférence conjointe.
“Driven by solidarity and a shared concern for human dignity and human rights, through MADE, African civil society will endeavor to place the rights of migrants and better living conditions at the forefront of the political agendas in the continent and elsewhere.“
Mamadou Mignane Diouf, Caritas Senegal
The network is organized around sub-regional focal points in West, East, North, South and Central Africa, and led by Caritas Senegal and a Steering Committee and collaborates with other civil society organisations to promote human-rights driven migration policies. View the members' list for detailed information on the organizations.
All civil society organizations working or interested in the field of migration, migrant rights and development in Africa are welcome to join and participate in upcoming regional events, advocacy actions and other activities.
Join the MADE global list to keep updated on all MADE Africa activities
11 August 2015
MADE Afrique regrette la dernière tragédie en publiant une nouvelle déclaration appelant les dirigeants africains, la société civile et toutes les parties prenantes à organiser dans toute la région dans une Conférence conjointe.
An African solution to a global issue of concern
28 April 2015
Ms. Odile Faye, Coordinator of MADE Africa Steering Committee, presented in front of several journalists an in-depth analysis of African migration in relation to the recent Mediterranean shipwrecks, calling for a response of African institutions to their "guilty silence" and the solidarity of the international community.
Declaration MADE Africa following the shipwrecks in the Mediterranean
21 April 2015
Following the recent tragedies in the Mediterranean, MADE Africa has issued the following statement.