UN High-Level Summit

IOM briefing on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

A briefing organized by the International Organization on Migration (IOM) took place on 14 October in Geneva, entitled "Follow-up to the 19 September New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, including Preliminary Thinking on IOM’s role in the Development of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the International Conference in 2018"

Hope and half-heartedness at the UN Summit: nearly 100 civil society organizations publish scorecard and urge world leaders to act now

As 193 governments unanimously adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants at the UN General Assembly on 19 September, civil society organizations called for action now, immediately in the days and months following the Summit.The Summit launched explicit commitments to create two global compacts over the next two years: one on refugees and one for safe, orderly and regular migration. But millions of refugees and migrants and the countries to, through and from which they move cannot wait that long for change to be implemented on the ground.

Civil society globally calls upon world leaders to urgently adopt solutions for refugees and migrants beyond the UN Summit

A civil society joint statement and ‘scorecard’ has been released lamenting governments’ uneven commitments and lack of urgency to deliver a real new deal for refugees and migrants at the UN Summit.
