MADE Americas News

Americas News

National Multi-Stakeholders Meeting in Costa Rica

The National Multi-Stakeholders meeting was held on August 8, 2015 in Costa Rica and organised by the Fundación Scalabrini and CIDEHUM in San José, Costa Rica.

Migrant People’s Dignity: Achievements, Difficulties and Ethical Challenges to Build the Future

On July 8th 2015 in San José, Costa Rica, the Scalabrini International Migration Network and Fundación Scalabrini, supported by MADE, together with the International Center of Migrant's Human Rights (CIDEHUM) held the National Multi-Stakeholder Meeting: 'La Dignidad de los/las Migrantes: Logros, Dificultades Y Desafíos Éticos para Construir el Futuro'. 

A civil society call for social change in the Americas

MADE Americas has published the first in a series of reports providing a regional outlook on migration issues. 
