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Floods, Plagues and Swamps: The power of words in the migration context

During the "2nd Thematic Workshop - Migration for Harmonious Societies" in preparation for the GFMD 2016, the Secretary General of Terre des Hommes International and Chair of the GFMD 2015 Civil Society Days Ignacio Packer presented an inspiring speech on how our daily language on migrants and migration can influence the way we perceive these issues.

Civil society sent their response on the WHS report

Recently, the UN Secretary General issued his report for the World Humanitarian Summit. Among other things, it strongly emphasises “core responsibility” for improving humanitarian action regarding migrants, refugees and displaced persons, with particular attention to women and children. Civil society colleagues in the NGO Committee on Migration in New York have prepared a 3-page statement with analysis and recommendations specifically on those parts of the Secretary-General’s report.

Civil society meets for MICIC regional consultation for East and Southern Africa

The sixth and final civil society Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) regional consultation took place in Nairobi, Kenya on April 29, four days before the state consultations in Kigali, Rwanda, on 3-4 May. The focuses for the consultations were the sub-regions of East and Southern Africa.
