News from civil society on the 19 September Summit process
29 June 2016
ISSUE 3: Updates from civil society on the 19 September Summit on Refugees and Migrants
News from civil society on the 19 September Summit process
29 June 2016
ISSUE 3: Updates from civil society on the 19 September Summit on Refugees and Migrants
HLM News from civil society - Issue 2
9 June 2016
Reminder to complete High-Level Meeting civil society survey // High-Level Meeting state Co-facilitators issue “non-paper” on possible elements for the outcome document // 1st meeting of High-level Meeting civil society Action Committee held // UN selects civil society organizations for Steering Committee // Reminder to apply to participate and speak at the 18 July informal interactive hearing and/or the 19 September Meeting - Deadline 11 June // Key dates and deadlines
UN HLM - Updates from civil society
1 June 2016
Prompted by the record numbers of refugees and migrants moving across borders, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly will, for the first time ever, host a High-level Meeting on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants (HLM). The meeting aims to bring together heads of states and also civil society actors and other stakeholders on 19 September 2016 in New York. A lot will be happening in the coming weeks and months in preparation for this high-level meeting. Civil society needs to be involved, informed and heard throughout the process. Therefore we are committed to sending you regular updates on developments and civil society actions.