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Joint letter for CSOs’ participation in states GFMD roundtables

ICMC and the International Steering Committee constantly have been petitioning governments to invite representatives of civil society to the GFMD states roundtables. This year, we prepared a letter to the current GFMD government chair, Bangladesh, asking for a meeting to discuss this proposal.  

The GFMD 2015 Civil Society Chair's report in English, French and Spanish

Last week's speech by Mr. Ignacio Packer, delivered during the Opening Ceremony of the 2015 Global Forum on Migration and Development, is now available to download from both MADE and GFMD Civil Society websites.

Civil society to governments on migration: It’s time for Better Choices. Chair’s Report

Speaking to 500 government delegates from over 140 countries, 300 leaders of civil society worldwide and high-level delegates from UN and international agencies, Mr. Packer spoke of choices that need to be made in policies and practices on migration and development.
