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Tdh Consultation on Youth on the Move in Dhaka ahead of GFMD

Terre Des Hommes, the Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit and the Bangladesh Civil Society Coordination Committee jointly organized a national consultation on youth in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 25th of July. Despite the security concern, a large participation from a diverse section of the society has made the event an engaging and thought-provoking platform for the diverse attendees and policy makers who joined the consultation.

Online applications for the 2016 GFMD Civil Society Days are now open!

Civil society representatives may now apply to participate in the Civil Society programme of this year’s Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and Common Space with Governments which will take place in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 8 – 10 December 2016.

Floods, Plagues and Swamps: The power of words in the migration context

During the "2nd Thematic Workshop - Migration for Harmonious Societies" in preparation for the GFMD 2016, the Secretary General of Terre des Hommes International and Chair of the GFMD 2015 Civil Society Days Ignacio Packer presented an inspiring speech on how our daily language on migrants and migration can influence the way we perceive these issues.
