Join the MADE Community


Become part of the MADE community

The MADE global community welcomes any individual or organisation from civil society that works to improve the lives of migrants on an international, regional or local level.

The MADE contact database currently comprises about 3000 organisations and individuals interested in migration and development including from civil society organisations working on migration, human rights, development and protection, labour unions, academia, the private sector, governments, international organisations and individuals and experts interested in migration and development.

  By joining, you will be informed of joint campaigns, and be kept up to date with the latest events and developments around migration and development.

Join the database and become part of this global community by filling in the contact form below.


Full name:

Please confirm your email:

Name of the Organisation / Company / Government (spell out full name)

Type of Organisation / Company / Government

Department/Area you work for within your Organization / Company / Government

Job Title:

Please select your country of residence.

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