World Social Forum 2016

The goal of the WSF 2016 in Montréal, Canada is to gather tens of thousands of people from groups in civil society, organizations and social movements who want to build a sustainable and inclusive world, where every person and every people has its place and can make its voice heard.

WSF 2016 themes:

  1. Economic, Social and Solidarity Alternatives facing the Capitalist Crisis
  2. Democratization of Knowledge and Right to Communication
  3. Culture of Peace and Struggle for Justice and Demilitarization
  4. Decolonization and Self-Determination of Peoples
  5. Rights of Nature and Environmental Justice
  6. Global Struggles and International Solidarity
  7. Human and Social Rights, Dignity and Fight against Inequalities
  8. Struggles against Racism, Xenophobia, Patriarchy and Fundamentalism
  9. Fight against the Dictatorship of Finance and for Resource Distribution
  10. Migration, Refugees and Citizenship Without Borders
  11. Democracy, Social and Citizen Movements
  12. Workers against Neoliberalism
  13. Cultural, Artistic and Philosophical Expressions for Another Possible World

Find more information on the official WSF website  
