MADE Webinar: A new method to link the GFMD with binding processes - The case of women in migration in Mexico

On June 30th, 2016, 15.30 h GMT +1, MADE and its MADE Americas partner International Network on Migration and Development (INMD) will host a webinar to show how non-state actors could work together around the world to link the non-binding with the binding and the global to the local to oblige states to better protect migrants’ rights, sharing the experience of networks and the UN offices in Mexico. 

To open the discussion, three processes will be presented:

  • Rodolfo Córdova Alcaraz (INMD) will launch the MADE regional report Avoiding the “trap”: Linking the Global with the National, and the Non-Binding with the Binding  and showcase the corresponding video that explains the proposed working method.  
  • Mónica Corona (UN Women Mexico) will share the process they lead and co-convened with other networks to foster the work of civil society with the CMW and the CEDAW committees.
  • Gretchen Kuhner (IMUMI) will share the experience of working both at the global level, particularly within the GFMD, and at the national level through the strategic civilian and advisory board on migration policies in Mexico.

Read the executive summary and the full regional report!

Find the recording of this webinar on the MADE YouTube Channel.
