18 April 2017 to 19 April 2017
International Dialogue on Migration 2017: Strengthening international cooperation on and governance of migration towards the adoption of a global compact on migration in 2018
1st Workshop, 18 - 19 April 2017
United Nations Headquarters, Conference Room 1, New York
On 19 September 2016, Member States adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, A/70/L.61, which in Annex II sets out steps towards the achievement of a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration (GCM) in 2018. Member States called on IOM to make use of its premier policy forum, the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM), to contribute to the preparatory process of the global compact.
IOM will therefore devote the two workshops planned under the framework of the IDM in 2017 to stimulating exchanges of views between Member States and with other relevant stakeholders on core aspects of the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration. The results of the 2017 IDM will be consolidated in a publication constituting part of IOM’s contribution to the development of the global compact on migration, and specifically in relation to the elaboration of the first comprehensive global framework for cooperation on international migration.
The first of the two events of the IDM in 2017 will be held on 18 and 19 April in New York and will discuss international cooperation on and governance of migration with a view to identifying concrete elements, models and potential actionable commitments for the global compact. The workshop will facilitate exchange on the following aspects, among others:
The outcomes of this workshop will inform the preparatory process for the global compact and help elaborate recommendations covering various aspects of migration as identified in the New York Declaration, including, but not limited to, facilitating safe, regular and orderly migration; protecting the rights and well-being of migrants; reducing the incidence and impact of forced and irregular migration; and addressing the mobility dimensions of crises.
The second workshop will be held on 18-19 July in Geneva and will offer Member States and other relevant actors the opportunity to explore protection of and assistance for migrants in vulnerable situations from a policy, cooperation and practical perspective.
More info on the IOM website.