4th Global Mayoral Forum on Human Mobility, Migration and Development (Berlin)

The concept of this year’s Global Mayoral Forum will be “Mayors as Humanitarian and Development Actors: Preparing, Welcoming and Integrating.” Thus, Mayors from around the world are invited to share their experiences in straddling the humanitarian imperatives of reception of large numbers of new arrivals whether from conflict, natural disaster or other phenomena. Mayors will also be invited to speak on the subject of longer-term challenges of governing integration: fostering pluralism, by which recognition of the value of diversity also implies acknowledging its complexities and struggles. In this connection, they will discuss whether and if so how, migration has fostered economic growth and human development in their communities. Lastly, Mayors will be invited to explain progress through city-to-city partnerships, and the value of networks amongst cities within their countries, regions and beyond to learn about new and promising policies and practices. More information on this year’s focus will be available soon via the concept note and programme.

The Berlin Forum is planned to dovetail the Global Mayoral Forum of Migration and Development (GFMD (link is external)) that is taking place also in Berlin from June 28-30. The GFMD is a voluntary and non-binding process which is government-led and open to all Member States and Observers of the United Nations, with the objective being to advance understanding around migration and development linkages as well as to advance action-oriented outcomes. The GFMD has already linked Civil Society to this process and is looking to also include the voices of local actors. Thus, Mayors who participate in the Mayoral Forum and who wish to stay on for the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) are encouraged to do so through their national delegation, or by inquiring with the GFMD Secretariat directly [supportunit@gfmd.org (link sends e-mail)]. 

The Mayoral Forum sessions are configured in such a way as to have cities provide their views on the topics that will be discussed amongst the national delegations during the GFMD. *Detailed leading questions will be shared for consideration, for each Session, in due course.

  • Session I will focus on: responding to displacement and the relationship with longer-term development solutions at the local level.  Mayors are invited to share their experiences in straddling the humanitarian imperatives of preparation and reception of large numbers of new arrivals whether from conflict, natural disaster or other phenomena. 
  • Session II will focus on: efforts to ensure policy coherence and coordination within government (national and local) with a view to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and additional migration priorities, and the role of cities in this regard.  Mayors are invited to speak on the subject of the longer-term challenges and opportunities of welcoming and integrating newcomers; how to govern diversity by buttressing the development potential of migration and displacement, while also acknowledging migration’s complexities and struggles. 
  • Session III will focus on: how cities are best placed to promote multi-stakeholder partnerships and harness the potential of civil society, the private sector and decentralised cooperation dynamics with other cities in order to make migration work for development. Mayors are invited to share progress in the context of inter-city partnerships, and explore the value of city networks, within their country, between regions and beyond, to learn about new and promising policies and practices.


As in previous two editions, the UN Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI) will conduct a one-day training based on the My JMDI Toolbox training materials for interested participants attending the 4th Global Mayoral Forum. This will bring participants together to discuss and learn about the topics that will be addressed in the Global Mayoral Forum. The training session is therefore a complementary part of the Global Mayoral Forum and will give participants a chance to interact, exchange knowledge and kick start the discussions that will be carried over into the Forum itself.  The training session will take place on 26th June.

Although the main working language of the Forum will be English, simultaneous translation will be provided in German, French and in Spanish. To register for the forum (as well as the training, and/or reception), or to apply for a scholarship covering travel and accommodation costs, please click of the respective buttons above. Participation and a scholarship requests must be confirmed by ONLINE REGISTRATION by 15 May 2017, or by filling in a registration form and/or scholarship form and emailing it to the Mayoral Forum Secretariat [globalmayoralforum2017@gmail.com (link sends e-mail)]. For any immediate information or for general inquires relating to the Global Mayoral Forum, please email the Secretariat. 

More info on the Migration for Development Website.
