2nd MADE advocacy webinar on SDG implementation and indicator development

The MADE working group on Global governance of migration and development will convene its second webinar on SDG implementation and indicator development on 16 February. The objective of the 4 advocacy webinars held from January to April 2016 is to provide guidance and direction to our advocacy and lobbying efforts around the globe on SDG implementation and (inter-)national indicator development.

The second MADE advocacy webinar will focus on advocacy efforts ensuring a solid implementation of the 2030 Agenda and on the global indicator development process in the run up to the UN Statistical Commission meeting which will be held in March in New York.

For more concrete information, sign-up to the working group mailing list by contacting the coordinator on governance@madenetwork.org, or follow our website and Facebook page closely.

To register to the second MADE advocacy webinar fill in this sign-up form.
