2016 Asia Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights

The UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights is convening it's first UN Asia Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights from 19 to 20 April 2016 in Doha, Qatar. This year’s Regional Forum includes the rights of migrant workers as part of its agenda. Other issues that will be taken up in the Forum include:

  • Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions;
  • Garment sector supply chains;
  • Forced and child labour and human trafficking;
  • Access to remedy through judicial and non-judicial mechanisms;
  • Mega sporting events;
  • Human rights defenders;
  • Rights of women in a business context; and
  • Indigenous peoples’ rights.

The programme is being managed by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights and its Secretariat. Please find more information on their website and in the agenda of the event. 
