In 2016, the International Steering Committee (ISC) decided to list potential GFMD preparatory meetings taking place in the second half of 2016, which would allow for civil society to partake in preparatory consultations ahead of the GFMD Civil Society Days. This way, civil society organizations interested in the process could be engaged and active at the national or regional level, without necessarily having to participate in the actual GFMD CSDs.
This innovation is closely linked to the newly introduced selection of civil society delegates through pre-identified civil society thematic and regional networks, and aims to increase transparency, engagement and representativity of the civil society participation process around the GFMD.
These ‘satellite meetings’ are organized by civil society organizations and dedicate at least half a day to GFMD preparatory conversations. These meetings aim to contribute to global agenda setting and positioning by creating synergies, they do not substitute for existing movements and initiatives by civil society.
Below you can find a chronological overview of the upcoming satellite meetings with links to the respective events. This section is updated regularly, so stay tuned. Should you be interested in participating or want more information, feel free to reach out directly to the contact persons mentioned in the event.
Satellite meetings GFMD 2016: