MADE Americas

 MADE Americas

"MADE is a channel through which we can foster our vision for a world with diminishing asymmetries among countries and regions, declining social inequalities, and sustainable human development." 

Raúl Delgado Wise, INMD

"Through MADE, we want to strengthen public policies that protect and provide rights for migrants, and we promote the right to migrate as a central focus in our campaigns."  

Idenilso Bortolotto, SIMN-Fundación Scalabrini Chile


Activities in the Americas are coordinated by the International Network on Migration and Development (INMD) based in Mexico and Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) with assistance from Fundación Scalabrini in Chile.  

Activities in MADE Americas aim to foster safe migration, human security and human development across the region in Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America, linking with the diaspora in North America.

All civil society organisations working or with an interest in the field of migration, migrant rights and development in the Americas are welcome to join and participate in upcoming regional events, advocacy actions and other activities.


Get in touch with INMD 

Get in touch with Fundación Scalabrini /visit SIMN's website


Priorities 2016

  • ​Organise a regional meeting in in Paraguay to influence the Conferencia Sudamericana sobre Migraciones (CSM)
  • Foster the protection of migrants in transit and migrant workers in Honduras and Costa Rica (through the MADE Pilot Fund)
  • Organise a national multi-stakeholder meeting on citizenship in the Dominican Republic.
  • Implement the agreements of the regional meeting of 2015, in particular foster the networks and organizations to link the CSD & GFMD outcomes with the follow up activities around UN Committees, specifically with the CMW and CEDAW.
  • Organise an event on how we can move forward in the Mexican case to start developing ideas around this issue.
  • Publish a regional situation report that showcases the main discussions of that event.
  • Map and engage with existing networks and civil society organizations that work promoting migrants’ rights and human development in the region.
  • Publish advocacy papers on migration and development.

Activities 2014-2015

  • Regional civil society networking meetings in Mexico, Buenos Aires, and Lima
  • National civil society-government consultations on immigration reform in Chile and Brazil
  • Collective Statement on the Rights of Haitians  (in Spanish) following the annual meeting of the Migration Collective in the Americas, held in Mexico City in March 2014
  • Declaration from civil society organisations  (in Spanish) attending the Regional MADE Americas meeting in October 2014, which presented to governments attending the XIV South American Conference on Migration, held in Lima, Peru the same week
  • Americas Regional Migration and Development Report 2015 (in Spanish) consolidating perspectives and recommendations from civil society in the region around the protection of women and children in migration, diaspora, safe labour migration, regional governance and citizenship

Join the MADE global mailing list and stay updated on all MADE Americas activities


Related News


Civil society delegates gather in Costa Rica to discuss how best to protect migrants in crisis

On 16 February 2016, the MADE Global Coordinating Office, together with its regional partner MADE Americas, led by INMD and SIMN, the Global Coalition on Migration (GCM), Alianza Americas and ACIDEHUM with the support from CAMMINA coordinated a one-day regional civil society consultation in San José to discuss challenges and needs of migrants in crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean as part of its ongoing work around the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Initiative.

Rights, ideas and solutions

Civil society experts from the Americas gathered during a MADE regional meeting in Mexico City last August, give their view regarding migration issues in the region in a series of video interviews

Encuentro Regional de Migraciones: articulando para transformar

Se reunirán 70 personas que trabajan por la defensa de los derechos de las personas, familias y comunidades migrantes en 17 países de América Latina y el Caribe.



Related Events


MADE Webinar: A new method to link the GFMD with binding processes - The case of women in migration in Mexico

On June 30th, 2016, 15.30 h GMT +1, MADE and its MADE Americas partner International Network on Migration and Development (INMD) will host a webinar to show how non-state actors could work together around the world to link the non-binding with the binding and the global to the local to oblige states to better protect migrants’ rights, sharing the experience of networks and the UN offices in Mexico. 

Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on Citizenship in the Dominican Republic

Organizaciones de la sociedad civil, actores gubernamentales y organismos internacionales van a reunirse para debatir el tema “ciudadanía” que marca actualmente el país. 

Foro de seguimiento a las observaciones y recomendaciones a México del Comité CMW y del Comité CEDAW de Naciones Unidas

El 19 y 20 de enero 2016 MADE Américas co-organiza el Foro de seguimiento a las observaciones y recomendaciones a México del Comité para la Protección de los Derechos de Todos los Trabajadores Migratorios y de sus Familiares (CMW) y del Comité para la Eliminación de todas las formas de Discriminación contra la Mujer (CEDAW) de Naciones Unidas.

