ICMC statement at the 1st Thematic Discussion on the Global Compact for Refugees



Mantalin Kyrou, Policy Associate at the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) delivered a statement on 10 July during the 1st Thematic Discussion on the Global Compact for Refugees. The statement, entitled “Back to the future: Responsibilities we Share, Solutions we Know” welcomed the idea of multiple solutions, with multiple actors to build a Compact worthy of agreement and implementation. Echoing the words of ICMC’s former President Peter Sutherland who urged all to go “back to the future”, it remembered previous humanitarian solutions that made a sizeable impact on the lives of thousands of refugees; including the orderly departure programmes which "offered life-lines" to Vietnamese boat people.

This statement was delivered by Kyrou less than two weeks after she attended the Civil Society Days (CSD) of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, coordinated by ICMC’s Migration and Development (MADE) Civil Society Network. The focus of the CSD was on the second Global Compact currently being developed, for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration.

See Kyrou’s full intervention here.

Read more about ICMC and joint civil society advocacy towards both Global Compacts.

Read more about the GFMD Civil Society Days.
