GFMD Common Space 10 December


The Common Space of the GFMD that convenes all of the civil society delegates with all of the state participants for direct interaction is this year scheduled for Saturday, 10 December—International Human Rights Day.  Common Space begins after lunch, immediately following the Opening Ceremony, in which a number of dignitaries will speak, including the civil society Chair of the CSD presenting civil society’s principal recommendations from the prior two days, and the Prime Minister of Bangladesh delivering a keynote speech.

At the time of this writing, Common Space was being finalized, tentatively from 14- 18:30 pm.   The overall theme for Common Space under consideration was “Time to Act – Compact for Governance of Migration”, with an opening plenary of a keynote and high-level discussants, including a civil society representative, Davos-style, followed by plenary discussion, three parallel breakout sessions each picking up central aspects of any such Compact and governance, and a re-convening in plenary for reports-back and conclusions.   
