2015 Civil Society Survey on Migration, Migrants Rights and Development


Tell us: what do you think are the main priorities, challenges and the situation on the ground for migrants, communities and civil society organisations worldwide?

The global 2015 Civil Society Survey on Migration, Migrants Rights and Development has been launched as part of the preparations for the upcoming Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) Civil Society Days in October 2015 and related activities under MADE and other civil society projects.  

Responses will be consolidated and used to shape the agenda and action plans for the 2015 GFMD Civil Society Days and beyond, and will feed into the first of an annual global Civil Society Progress Report (the “Movement report”) on changes and challenges in migration and development. The forthcoming report is being prepared to spark thinking and action in and outside the GFMD this year, taking stock of what issues have improved, worsened or stagnated since the launch of the civil society 5-Year 8-Point Plan of Action in 2013.

More than 200 people have already filled in the Survey. Join them by filling out the Survey yourself. One among the first 100, and one among all other respondents will be selected at random to receive funding for travel and accommodation to the 2015 GFMD Civil Society Days! The deadline to respond is 26 July– don’t miss this chance and take part!           

Click here to access the survey (available in English, French and Spanish)
