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Read the joint civil society statement in English | French | Spanish


 As the second round of negotiations on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration get underway this week, the co-facilitators have identified four areas to be discussed in depth, namely

  • Differentiation between irregular and regular migrants
  • Differentiation between refugees and migrants
  • Implementation of the GCM
  • Follow up and review of the GCM

Throughout the Consultations and Stocktaking phase of the Global Compact for Migration in 2017, civil society has invested and organized at global, thematic, regional and national level, and it is similarly engaged in the GCM negotiations taking place in New York until July of this year.

Lauding the Zero Draft Plus as “comprehensive, and offering many practical elements for effective implementation”, and appreciating the “energy, political will and real-time solutions” that many states have brought to the discussions, civil society have prepared a joint statement towards this round of the GCM, specifically addressing the four areas under discussion. Issues including mixed flows, firewalls, non-refoulement, complementarities with the Refugee Compact and Agenda 2030, as well as a call for clarity on IOM’s role and integration into the UN system are included in the statement.

Civil society ends the statement by assuring states it stands ready to work with them as a partner during negotiations and through implementation, follow up and review, to respect and deliver upon the actionable commitments outlined in the Zero Draft Plus.

Next steps: This joint statement will be used in civil society advocacy towards Member State delegations in New York, and will be shared with the Co-facilitators and the Office of the UN Special Representative on International Migration. On Thursday 15 March, it will be presented by civil society supporters during the Stakeholder Dialogue with the GCM co-facilitators.

Read the joint civil society statement in English | French | Spanish




In 2017, more than five major global processes took place around the world involving over 1000 civil society organisations. At the regional level, 7 regional civil society consultations took place, involving 470 people from roughly 93 countries. In the Civil Society Stocktaking meeting in Puerto Vallarta civil society dedicated an entire day for conversation directly with governments, meeting with 50 representatives from 23 different governments to discuss key issues.

Civil society actors have continued to connect across the globe, including trade unions as well as migrant and host communities themselves, for sustained commitment towards achieving a truly human and labour rights-centered Compact.

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