
Taking Stock of Valletta: African and European Civil Society Consultation Initiative

On the occasion of the one year follow-up of the implementation of the Valletta Action Plan and EU Trust Fund for Africa, ICMC Europe and MADE Africa are organizing a one-day civil society consultation in Brussels on 30th of January 2017.

MADE’s Webinar - Telling a different story of migration

On June 9th 2016, the Europe Chapter of MADE hosted a webinar on the important role of civil society and other non-State actors as well as non-traditional actors such as local governments in changing the current narrative on migrants and migration and in “lifting the images of migrants and diaspora as bearers of culture, diversity and development”.

Floods, Plagues and Swamps: The power of words in the migration context

During the "2nd Thematic Workshop - Migration for Harmonious Societies" in preparation for the GFMD 2016, the Secretary General of Terre des Hommes International and Chair of the GFMD 2015 Civil Society Days Ignacio Packer presented an inspiring speech on how our daily language on migrants and migration can influence the way we perceive these issues.
