Joint African and European recommendations for the Valletta Summit
30 October 2015
With this statement, African and European civil society set out priorities for the upcoming discussions and outcomes of the Valetta Summit.
"Through MADE, civil society from Europe and other regions are actively linked, creating further opportunities for migrant rights and development advocates around the world to learn from each other and cooperate in delivering innovative ideas for change.”
Sophie Ngo-Diep, ICMC Europe
Activities by the MADE Europe Chapter are coordinated by the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) Europe, based in Brussels, Belgium.
The Chapter monitors the policy developments in the European Union and works with EU policy makers, primarily in the European Parliament and European Commission, to advance civil society’s 5-year 8-point Action Plan.
The Chapter also has a liaison function between MADE regional networks and Working Groups and the EU institutions.
ICMC Europe is also an active member of the ‘EU Migration and Development Civil Society Contact Group' composed of several major NGOs working in migration and development.
All civil society organizations working in the field of migration, migrants´ rights and human development in Europe or with an interest in the region are welcome to join and participate upcoming regional events, advocacy actions, or other activities.
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Joint African and European recommendations for the Valletta Summit
30 October 2015
With this statement, African and European civil society set out priorities for the upcoming discussions and outcomes of the Valetta Summit.
Storytelling on migration and the European Year of Development 2015
30 September 2015
MADE has participated during European Year of Development 2015 during the thematic month on migration and demography by posting a series of stories regarding key aspects of migration and development.
La société civile africaine obtient victoire décisive
2 September 2015
Suite à une lettre ouverte rédigée par MADE Afrique et plusieurs acteurs de la société civile, les dirigeants africains conviennent de discuter sur la migration et la sécurité lors du Sommet de Lomé en novembre.