MADE Europe Chapter

  MADE Europe Chapter

"Through MADE, civil society from Europe and other regions are actively linked, creating further opportunities for migrant rights and development advocates around the world to learn from each other and cooperate in delivering innovative ideas for change.”

Sophie Ngo-Diep, ICMC Europe


Activities by the MADE Europe Chapter are coordinated by the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) Europe, based in Brussels, Belgium.

The Chapter monitors the policy developments in the European Union and works with EU policy makers, primarily in the European Parliament and European Commission, to advance civil society’s 5-year 8-point Action Plan.

The Chapter also has a liaison function between MADE regional networks and Working Groups and the EU institutions.

ICMC Europe is also an active member of the ‘EU Migration and Development Civil Society Contact Group' composed of several major NGOs working in migration and development.

All civil society organizations working in the field of migration, migrants´ rights and human development in Europe  or with an interest in the region are welcome to join and participate upcoming regional events, advocacy actions, or other activities.


Get in touch with the MADE Europe Chapter


Activities 2016 - March 2017

  • Monitoring and assessing the implementation of the Valletta Action Plan and the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, in close coordination with MADE Africa, by
    • Gathering a representative sample of civil society by African and European CSOs via a survey and in-person interviews (s. Civil Society reflections on the Valletta Action Plan)
    • Organising a civil society consultation with African and European stakeholders in Brussels, as well as EU officials and representatives of countries of the Rabat process and EU Member States, and issuing recommendations as to the need for a structured engagement with civils society in the monitoring and implementation of the Valletta Action Plan (s. Taking Stock of Valletta - A civil society analysis after the first year; Full conference Report “Taking Stock of Valletta” 
    • Participating with of four civil society representatives, (two from Africa, two from Europe: AACC, West African Migration Observatory, ICMC Europe and NRC) in a Senior Officials Meeting for the monitoring of the implementation of the Valletta Action Plan in Malta, in order to present the recommendations of civil society on the implementation of the Valletta Action Plan (s. African and European Civil Society Statement)
    • Outreach to and engagement with the Belgian government as Chair of the Steering Committee of the Rabat Process, as well as ICMPD as secretariat for the Rabat process, to work towards a more structured engagement with civil society in the countries of the Rabat Process.  
  • Following up on key aspects of migration and development as put forth in the New York Declaration, in particular on recruitment practices of migrant workers, via:
    • ​The publication of a report “Situational Analysis: The smuggling of Togolese migrant workers and people trafficking in the Middle East and Central Africa”, researched and written by Samir Abi, director of Togo-based NGO Visions Solidaires and Vision Solidaires;
    • The publication of an assessment and mapping of civil society responses in West, Central and East Africa to protect migrant workers from trafficking and harmful recruitment practices, in particular in the Gulf Countries (forthcoming), based on a survey distributed to over 100 civil society organisations working with migrant workers and returnees in East, West and Central Africa. 
  • Raising awareness among European stakeholders on the link between regional economic communities/inter-regional fora, and migration, mobility and migrant protection;
  • Fostering collaboration and sustainable partnerships among European civil society actors working on migration and development and their counterparts in third countries through joint actions;
  • Engaging with the successive Presidencies of the EU Council in the activities related to migration and development specified in their programmes;
  • Monitoring policy developments around the EU Agenda on Migration, the Valletta Action Plan and the Partnership Framework and any new developments in this field
  • Engaging in joint advocacy initiatives with other Brussels-based NGOs in the area of EU external migration policies and migration and development. 

Join MADE  to stay updated on all MADE Europe Chapter activities


Related News


Taking Stock of Valletta

On 8/9 February 2017, four senior representatives of African and European civil society were invited to attend a Senior Officials’ Meeting in Malta, which took stock of the state of implementation of the Joint Valletta Action Plan (JVAP), conceived in November 2015.

ICMC Europe endorses recommendations to better protect children in migration

Based on the discussions, research, expertise and recommendations put forward by stakeholders at the “Lost in migration” conference, including the findings of the SUMMIT report on missing migrant children, the conference developed forward looking operational and policy recommendations to policy makers.

Civil society's statement at the Senior Officials Meeting, Valletta

Fifteen months after the launch of the Joint Valletta Action Plan, European and African civil society organizations attended the Senior Official Meeting that took place on 8-9 February in Malta.



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Ad hoc GFMD Thematic Meeting on the Mediterrean Crisis

The Turkish GFMD Chair is  organising a GFMD ad hoc thematic meeting on "The Mediterranean Crisis in a Global Context: A New Look at Migration & Development Approaches”

Regional Civil Society Consultation for Europe and Central Asia on the MICIC initiative

The MADE Europe Chapter and the Global Coalition on Migration are coordinating the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Initiative Regional Civil Society Consultation for Europe and Central Asia in Brussels.

