Global governance of migration and development News

Global governance of migration and development News

Civil society sent their response on the WHS report

Recently, the UN Secretary General issued his report for the World Humanitarian Summit. Among other things, it strongly emphasises “core responsibility” for improving humanitarian action regarding migrants, refugees and displaced persons, with particular attention to women and children. Civil society colleagues in the NGO Committee on Migration in New York have prepared a 3-page statement with analysis and recommendations specifically on those parts of the Secretary-General’s report.

ICMC & Oxfam call on EU ministers to change course on migration cooperation with Africa

European foreign ministers meeting on Thursday to assess the six months since November’s Valletta Summit on migration from Africa must shift their focus to the urgent needs of people fleeing from violence and human rights abuses, said Oxfam and ICMC. As the death toll rises in the central Mediterranean, the EU has increased the amount of money given to many of the same regimes that people are so desperately fleeing from.

High-Level Meeting on Addressing large movements of refugees and migrants

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) will convene an extraordinary High-Level Meeting on Addressing large movements of refugees and migrants (HLM) on 19 September 2016. Under a decision adopted by UNGA in December, this is the last of four high-level meetings that the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has organised since February, bringing the world together in responding to the displacement and movement of large numbers of refugees and migrants across the globe.
