Global Diaspora Day - Media Material

Global Diaspora Day - The Media Material

Global Diaspora Day

The 29 selected media submissions span the Americas, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

All the videos are available either on our YouTube Channel or on the new Diaspora Platform by ICMPD!

Here you can read and see some extracts:

Als ik daar ben (When I'm there) - Marjolein Veldman

"Three key things can drive the debate about diaspora and migrant contributions. As part of this project, it’s about the search for identity, the feeling of belonging, and all of that in the context of a more general Dutch public debate, which can be dominated by a certain ‘us versus them’ thinking. International migration has a language of its own, and it would have you think that Morocco, for the three main figures in this documentary, is a home country. Yet they were born there; so what does that make the Netherlands, where they have spent decades, if not a home country? Travelling with them in Morocco, I saw how they were perceived as European and Dutch."

View the video: Als ik daar ben (Trailer)

Soy del mundo - Scalabrini International Migration Network - Gabrielle Parenteau

"There has been a migrant boom in Chile in the last few years, traditionally home to workers from Peru, Bolivia, Colombia or Ecuador. According to national statistics from 2014, in 1982, Chile registered 0.7% of migrants; in 2014, it was 2.3%. That’s below the world average of 3.2% in 2013, but is still significant for the diversity of migrants.

Chile's multicultural identity is going from strength to strength. Fanny, who moved from France almost six years ago and runs a food truck, says that migrants work in a lot of positions which locals might not want to do any longer. She has managed to employ up to five people in her pancake-making business, and feels positive about contributing to the economy."

View the video: 'Soy del mundo' - Fanny

Diaspora conversations – a series of conversations on diaspora - Sören Bauer

“Diaspora conversations” is a series of short interviews conducted by Sören Bauer (ICMPD) during the recent conference ‘Connecting, Communicating and Networking with Diasporas’ from 4 to 6 May in Dublin, Ireland. Rawan Arar, PhD student at the University of California, San Diego, has a powerful message on why and how diasporas contribute to global peace, and her story growing up in between Texas, USA and Amman, Jordan: 
“Diaspora is what’s needed to reframe the problem of the world. A lot of people have never met an Arab or a Muslim before, so meeting a real life person breaks down stereotypes, which is important for Americans.”

View the video: 2 cultures, 2 languages, and family in 2 parts of the world  

INTEGRIM Network, University of Deusto - Tina Magazzini

"A colleague in Bilbao sent me an article on how uncreative stereotypes are: negative connotations of minorities do not seem to change over the centuries; what changes is the scapegoat community. After digging, I found a Report of the Inspector of Italian Immigration to the American Congress had stirred some interest in recent news (‘Italy's PM recognises historical discrimination against Italian immigrant in the US!’, or ‘How were Italian immigrants treated in the US in 1912!’).

The parallel between Italian immigrants in the US at the beginning of the 20th century and Roma migrants in Western Europe makes for an interesting juxtaposition. The video, filmed in New York in April 2015, plays with the wording of that official US document about Italian immigrants to the US. The project uncovers what kind of negative prejudice we associate with specific minority/immigrant groups. Very little of the us/them divide has actually changed over the past century." 

View the video: A Coney Island of the mind (i am waiting)

The full list of selections:

  • Afrikatu Kofi Nkrumah (Prague, Czech Republic) - Baffour Ankomah
  • Als ik daar ben (When I'm there) - Marjolein Veldman
  • A Pathway to Joel’s Dream - Ingo Bergmann
  • Centre DEV Attitude - Roger Kaboré
  • Chestnuts Community Centre - Yvonne Field
  • Day of El Salvador’s African diaspora - Hugo R. Miller
  • Diaspora conversations – a series of conversations on diaspora - Sören Bauer
  • Ensemble C'est Po6ble - Thom Lissouere
  • INTEGRIM Network, University of Deusto - Tina Magazzini
  • Let Them Help Themselves Out of Poverty - Ida Horner 
  • #NOCTechAfrica - Francine Beleyi 
  • Rethink Rebuild Society - Yasmine Nahlawi
  • Soy del mundo - Scalabrini International Migration Network - Gabrielle Parenteau

Read and view all the media material

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