Global Action

Global Action


MADE works towards a global civil society network for joint advocacy, action and agenda-setting. This organizing is predominantly structured around the implementation of civil society’s 5-Year 8-Point Plan of Action.   

ICMC’s MADE Global Coordinating Office works closely with partners to organize activities of civil society organizations worldwide in processes that involve governments, decision-makers and international agencies.

Activities include:

  • Advocacy, information-sharing and networking through newsletters, social media, and an annual online survey and global progress report on the implementation of the 5-Year 8-Point Plan of Action. MADE creates its own campaigns as well as spotlighting other campaigns on migrants’ rights and human development from civil society across the world.
  • Together with the International Steering Committee, the Global Coordinating Office organises the Civil Society Days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development.
  • MADE  enables national  civil society organizations to implement advocacy and policy actions on the ground for the protection migrants in transit, decent labour migration and the rights of migrant workers in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean  through the MADE Pilot Fund
  • MADE has also been involved in the regional consultations of the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Initiative and co-facilitated the related MICIC civil society consultations.  



Related News

The MDGs ignored migrants and refugees. How will the SDGs fare?

This post by Bob van Dillen, Coordinator of the MADE Working Group on Global Governance of Migration and Development, was originally published on the blog, coordinated by the Overseas Development Institute.

MADE’s new website is now live!

The new website for the Migration and Development Civil Society Network (MADE) is here!

Over 800 applications for 2015 GFMD Civil Society Days

 Record number of more than 800 applications was received from more than 150 countries across the world, representing more geographic diversity than ever before in the history of GFMD civil society organising.




Related Events

VII World Social Forum on Migrations in São Paulo

The World Social Forum on Migrations (WSFM) was born as a key feature of the World Social Forum, and was first held in Porto Alegre in 2005. This year, São Paulo in Brazil will be hosting the forum from 7 to 10 July 2016 under the slogan “Migrants: building alternatives to disorder and the global capital crisis“.

Launch of MICIC Initiative Guidelines

The Geneva launch of the MICIC Initiative “Guidelines to Protect Migrants in Countries Experiencing Conflict or Natural Disaster” will take place on Monday 27 June 2016, from 10.00-13.00 in Room XVIII at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

Launch “Guidelines to Protect Migrants in Countries Experiencing Conflict or Natural Disaster”

Hosted by the governments of the Philippines and the United States, co-chairs of the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Initiative, the “Guidelines to Protect Migrants in Countries Experiencing Conflict or Natural Disaster” will be launched on 15 June 2016, at the UN ECOSOC Chamber in New York. 

