Civil society participation - GFMD CSD 2017
With only 6 months between GFMDs in Bangladesh and Germany, the ISC is has decided to speed up the process it conducts to identify ca. 250 civil society delegates from among the 800 applications that normally are submitted worldwide. The process last year—a mix of global open application (with ISC review and selection) plus network selection (automatic)—started 7 months before the GFMD.
Please find here the list of all registered participants 2017 (updated 24 June)
General observations on the GFMD CSD Selection
- Ceiling. As in every year since the first GFMD, the ISC (formerly IAC) has decided to set a ceiling of about ca. 250 civil society delegates, with another ca.100 observers and guests from states, agencies, media and others. This has been to maximize active participation and minimize huge plenary-style meetings with only limited discussion and conclusions. Each year, more applications are received, so selection is needed.
- Goal. Overall goal of the selection process: Diversity, representation, ownership and transparency among civil society delegates
- Applications have been open to all sectors of civil society, including diaspora and migrant associations, other human rights, development and faith-based NGOs, trade unions and workers organisations, and representatives from academia, think tanks and the private sector.
- Normally the rule has been one civil society delegate per organization, with a few exceptions, e.g., for speakers.
3-step selection procedure 2017: for a maximum of about 310 invited (with an expectation that 250 will actually participate)
Please note that there was no open global application process, only registration by invitation.
Step 1a: Except for the delegates suggested by networks last year, and Bangladeshi and German delegates, every other civil society delegate who actually participated in the GFMD CSD 2016 has been automatically invited to register for this year’s CSD = about 120 delegates
Step 1b: Around 60 regional and thematic civil society networks have chosen additional delegates.
This is the group of networks that selected delegates last year plus new networks identified by ISC members this year
All networks chose 3 delegates = up to 180 delegates
In addition to these, 20 German delegates and 10 Bangladeshi candidates were selected via respective national consultations.
Step 1c: About 10 further spaces are being reserved for exceptions, e.g., spontaneous applications, to be approved by the ISC.
- Step 2: The delegates selected through these steps have been asked to register on-line. The registration form will ask if they need funding support to participate and if they intend to participate in Common Space.
- Step 3: Funding. When the registration deadline has passed, the ISC will decide, as in past years, on who to fund up to the total level of funding available. Those who can attend Common Space (the German Foreign Ministry rooms fit only 200 from civil society and 500 from states) will be determined on a first-come first-served basis. Latecomers cannot be considered for this.
- Note: The application of Observers will roll as usual (Invitation to apply for international organizations, foundations, media and governments) and proceed through a different registration form.