La Dignidad de los/las Migrantes:Logros, Dificultades y Desafíos Éticos para Construir el Futuro

On July 8th 2015 in San José, Costa Rica, the Scalabrini International Migration Network and Fundación Scalabrini, supported by MADE, together with our implementing partner the International Center of Migrant's Human Rights (CIDEHUM) will hold the National Multi-Stakeholder Meeting: 'La Dignidad de los/las Migrantes: Logros, Dificultades Y Desafíos Éticos para Construir el Futuro'.

The meeting will put together the relevant actors of the civil society, international organisations, State institutions and academics such as Migrants Association, Migrants and Refugees Population Forum, International Organization for Migration (IOM), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the General Direction of the Department of Immigration, among others.

The event will have as main objective to “build strategic alliances between the civil society organizations and public institutions of the country to strengthen the public policies that take into account the actual migration situation the country and Central America are now living, the effective dialog between the actors and the due access to justice for the migrant people and their families, especially children and adolescents, refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced populations”.

With this meeting we, as MADE partners, are hoping to raise awareness of the Costa Rican government about the insufficient protection and development structures to support an increasing population of immigrants in need of international protection and humanitarian assistance. 

For more information

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