Agenda for Change

Agenda for change

MADE takes forward civil society’s 5-year 8-point Plan of Action that global civil society adopted in 2013 as its agenda for change and collaboration, including with governments.

During the Civil Society Days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development and the World Social Forum on Migration in December 2012, hundreds of civil society organisations and networks from around the world agreed on a unified set of goals for action in migration and development.

Framed around 4 main themes and 8 points for action, the agenda was launched during the 2013 High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development at the UN General Assembly in New York as a call for action and collaboration with governments. 

Since 2013, the 8-point Plan of Action has been welcomed by many governments and the UN in debates framing the future of a number of global policies and national initiatives on migration and development.

As a growing network, MADE activities, partnerships and tools take forward the 8 points of the 5-year Action Plan. 

5-year 8-point Plan of Action

On Human Development
1.    Ensuring migrants’ and migration’s rightful place on the post-2015 development agenda (i.e. in the “next generation” of Millennium Development Goals)
2.    Engaging migrants and diaspora as entrepreneurs, social investors and policy advocates in development

On the Rights of Migrants     
3.   Addressing protection needs of migrants stranded in distress and transit
4.  Addressing vulnerabilities, rights and empowerment of women and children in the context of human mobility

On Migration Governance and Partnerships
5.    Promoting the implementation of national legislation reflecting international standards regarding migrants and their families (in particular with regards to enforcement policies, social protection and due process)
6.    Redefining the interactions of international mechanisms for migrants’ rights protection

On Labour Mobility and Recruitment
7.    Regulating the migrant labour recruitment industry and labour mobility mechanisms
8.    Guaranteeing the labour rights of migrants

For the full text, download the 5-year 8-point Plan of Action here in EnglishSpanish or French.
