MADE Americas Events

Made Americas Events

MADE Americas: alliances as a pillar to transform social reality

The International Network on Migration and Development will lead this three-day event in Mexico City. The overall objective is to identify issues and how they can be structured into advocacy strategies to advance the protection of the rights of migrants in national, regional and global processes.

La Dignidad de los/las Migrantes:Logros, Dificultades y Desafíos Éticos para Construir el Futuro

The Scalabrini International Migration Network and Fundación Scalabrini, together with the International Center of Migrant's Human Rights (CIDEHUM) will hold the event: “La Dignidad de los/las Migrantes: Logros, Dificultades Y Desafíos Éticos para Construir el Futuro”. 
